Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Hills and Valleys...

The week preceding Memorial Day was a rough one for my mom. After being re- admitted to the hospital for a spinal fluid leak from her surgery, her condition started to deteriorate rapidly. She was moved to the intensive care unit. Mom became unresponsive. Her body swelled and her condition worsened. She had a breathing tube and a feeding tube inserted. She was in constant pain, moaning almost every minute. Every test and every scan that was performed came back looking positive. No one could pin point the problem. Mom's condition was getting worse. She could recognise us but that was all she was able to do. The family took turns staying by her bedside, holding her hands and talking to her. We would feed her shaved ice and give her sips of water when she needed them. Mom has been here 1 week.
On Sunday afternoon Pastor Kirk stopped in to visit mom and dad at the hospital. (Pastor Kirk bought mom & dads house in North English when they moved.) He offered help said a prayer for them. As I sat by moms bedside that night, things began to change. I would talk to mom and she would answer in short sentences. For the first time in over a week, when I left the hospital that night I had a good feeling in my heart.
When we arrived the next morning, mom was sitting up in her bed. Her hair had been washed & she had already eaten her liquid breakfast. This took everybody by surprise ! We were finally seeing something good. Later that day mom was moved out of intensive care to a regular recovery room. She is still in pain and unable to walk or feed herself, but she is on the road to recovery.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear that there are steps in a positive direction. I can't imagine how hard this has been!
