Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Staying The Course...

It was 1 month ago that my dad was told he had cancer. 1 month of battling a disease that is trying to destroy him. Dad took 10 sessions of radiation to lessen the pain in his lung and spine. But,the radiation had side effects too. It made swallowing very hard & painful. It seems that for every step that we try to fight this disease, there are many negative side effects. Dad had his first chemo therapy infusion on last Friday,May 28th. We were told of all the possible side effects to expect, but so far dad is doing pretty good. Dad is walking without his walker, sleeping in his own bed,(not the hospital bed), and visiting my mom in the hospital every day. All of this activity does cause him to tire easily.
Many thanks go to our relatives & friends who spend time cooking, cleaning, staying overnight & helping out in every way possible. We wouldn't be able to walk this path by ourselves.

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