Monday, July 5, 2010

Rough Road Ahead

I spent the 4Th of July at mom & dads house in Williamsburg. Earlier in the week they took dad to Ia. City because his pain was getting bad. They doubled his pain medication and questioned if the chemo was doing any good at fighting the cancer. Dad was not adjusting well to the medication. He would have hallucinations and delirium some of the time, not recognizing family. The drugs were altering his rational thought process as well. Pain has spread to his leg and he is using a wheel chair to get around, which mom pushes him in. Pills have to be crushed and mixed with ice cream or liquids as it is almost impossible for him to swallow them now. Dad doesn't have much of an appetite as most foods no longer taste good to him.
Not all days are bad. Now and then he has a good day, just not as often. Dad goes back to The U. of Ia. hospital tomorrow for a full body CAT scan. This will tell us if and where the cancer has spread. July 1st marked 2 months since he was diagnosed and began treatments.
Mom has been recuperating at home and doing very well. She still is unable to do alot things around the house, but slowly getting better. She has been taking care of dads everyday needs
as well as her own. Considering what she has endured the past month, she is making progress every day.

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