Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Walking The Path Together

Saturday after work, I went to mom & dads home in Williamsburg. My brother Garry was there from the previous night and staying Sat. night also. It seemed to me that dads health had taken a turn for the worse since my last visit. He had lost 4 lbs. last week. He wasn't eating or taking his meds some of the time. The Dr's. had decided that the chemo wasn't doing any good and have ended his treatments. They have scheduled a series of 5 days of radiation over 4 different areas of cancer on dads body. This is to help relieve some of his pain. In addition to the meds he now takes, he is also on a new drug called called Haloperidol. It is a very strong drug used for the treatment of delusions and hallucinations. Dad wasn't coherent much of the time I was there. When he did understand it would only last a little while. My sister and other brother live closer to my parents and they are there helping out a lot throughout the week. Hospice has been a big help also. They come to the house regularly to monitor and check up on dad and see how things are going overall. Friends and relatives have brought food, driven mom and dad to appointments, and helped out doing odd jobs. We are forever grateful. Thank You.
Mom is still recovering and doing well. She takes care of dad every day, which is becoming a tougher task as the weeks go by. She had 3 appointments with the Dr's. and surgeons this week. She was able to drive to Ia.City for the first time since her surgery. Along with her recovery she is taking on a lot of the daily jobs that dad used to do around the house. Thanks for all your prayers.

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